Getting started with

As part of our drive for simplicity and ease of use, we have limited the number of functional menu’s within In fact, our simple framework consists of two simple things:
Set-up – This is the prep stage and you access that through the menu called LISTS
Making Sales – This is the true action stage where you go to market through APPS
Items a list of goods or services you want to offer to your customers
Clients a list of customers/contacts you have collected or sold to in the past that you would like to sell to
Links these are created by to direct emails, social media accounts to your shopping cart
Once you have the created the above lists (databases) you are ready to start selling by using one of the following Apps to perform different selling processes.
EZEpay is designed for simple face-to-face or low volume point-of-sale type transactions for cash, internet or credit card customer payments
EZEinvoice use this for creating a standard type invoice which can be emailed and the customer can pay on receipt using the EZE’s secure payment gateway by credit card or bank internet payment.
EZEshop Use this to create your own shopping cart without the need of your own website. EZEshop will create a link that allows you to insert into an email or placed into a social media account so customers can be directed straight into your very own online shop.
The following instruction will assist you to set up so that you can get selling and generating income from your special skills, resources or connections.


Items are anything you can charge a customer for. Items can be products, services or other charges, such as freight.
Items can be added one by one, or imported in bulk from an Excel spreadsheet. If you need assistance with this, do not hesitate to contact (depending on the amount of time involved there may be a charge for this service).
Once items have been added they can also be exported. If you hold a sizeable quantity of stock on hand, this can be a convenient way to send information to your accountant for stock valuation purposes again, if you need help please email
Step 1
To set up a database of items go to the LISTS menu and select ITEMS.

Step 2
This will open the first page of the Item Menu. It is possible to create multiple lists, but all items will be recorded in the MASTER LIST.
The purpose for creating more than one list is for those occasions when you want to run a promotion and you only want to select a few items to be available for that promotion.
Step 3
To create your master list initially OPEN the Master List.

Step 4
Here you have two options:
1. Add Items individually
2. Import Items from an Excel spreadsheet

Step 4/1
+ ADD ITEM screen will enable you to ADD items One by One and also facilitates the inclusion of additional information and a graphic of the item you are adding.
Graphics can be either dragged from another location such as your desktop or, by clicking on the Click Here line, you can find and open the graphic to upload it into your items list.

Step 4/2

To ADD ITEMS in Bulk, use the IMPORT button and this screen will open.

Simply follow the Wizard to access a copy of the items template.

1. To download a copy of the Excel Items template. When you press the Download Template you will see the download process happening in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen. When it stops, if you select the small up arrow (1) this will open a menu to either, Open (2) the spreadsheet or (3) show in folder.

2. Enter all the details to create the completed List of Items you want to import, then save the completed spreadsheet to a location on your computer that will be easily found for the import process.

3. To import the completed List of Items from the spreadsheet, press the CHOOSE FILE button and locate your completed spreadsheet.

4. To import the completed list of items from the spreadsheet press the IMPORT button.
Step 5
This step will enable you to create a new List for Promotional purposes. This includes the ability to add special item/s that do not exist in the Master List or select certain items from your existing Master List.

a. To create new list press LISTS menu the LISTS and then CREATE NEW LIST button.
Step 6
This window will pop up. Give the new List a meaningful name. A note can also be added describing the purpose for the new list. If adding items either manually or you want to choose items from the Master List, choose the Add Manually option. If you want to create a whole new List of Items in an Excel spreadsheet then choose the second option. Follow any of these actions by pressing the SAVE List button. This will prompt a message confirming the success of creating the new Lists. So, press the DONE button once this message appears.
Step 7
Saving your list will open this screen and the new List will appear below the Master List. Click on the Open button.
Step 8
Select the ADD ITEMS button.
Step 9

Here you have the option to add an Individual Item in the Open tab by remaining on Tab 1.

To select items from the Master List, go to Tab 2 as indicated.
Step 10
To select from the Master List, press the ADD TO LIST button to add items to the newly created List.


The menu heading Clients covers any contact you want to add to a customer database. Therefore, clients can include customers, members, pupils, parents, funders; in fact, any person or organisation that you want to maintain a record of or be required to invoice in the future.
Similar to ITEMs you can add CLIENTS one by one or bulk import an existing database from an EXCEL spreadsheet.
Once clients have been added they can also be exported.
Step 1
To set up a database of customers go to the LISTS menu and select CLIENTS.
Step 2
This will open the first page of the Client's Menu. It is possible to create multiple Client Lists, but all clients will be in the MASTER LIST. For example, you might want to separate your client list by Region, Customer type or if in a Club, by Teams.
This separation then allows correspondence or offers to be made to different types of client/customer or member groups with a common offer.
To add a new list, say if you were the Club Secretary for a Tennis Club and you wanted to have a list of the Senior Players because for instance, they pay a higher subscription to the Juniors, (a) list of the Seniors could be created by pressing the CREATE NEW LIST button.
Step 3
After pressing the Create New List button this window will appear. It looks the same as Adding a New Item List. Give the New Client List a name and if you want, add a description which describes the purpose.
Then select either Add clients manually or the Import option. Press the SAVE LIST button.

Step 4
On the right of the above screen you will note an OPEN button. Press this to allow the addition of new clients one at a time or select them from the existing Master List.
Press the Add Client button.
Step 5
Option 1 to add new clients one at a time or Option 2 to select from the Master Client List of existing clients.

Save and Close. You are ready to start selling!
Next, select one of the following Apps.



The Ezepay App allows the creation of a quick B2C (Business to Customer) cash sale type transaction when a customer walks through the door or when out on the job. This option is ideal if you don't have credit card or POLi pay options available for your customers.

Step 1

There are two ways you can access EZEpay:

1. Click the EZEpay icon below on the Home page
2. Select the TASK menu from the menu bar and scroll down to EZEpay
Step 2
Simply fill in the required fields; Invoice Date, Amount (GST Incl.). All other fields are optional, including the Description which can be overtyped. There are two options; one for a narrative type invoice and the other for a line-by-line invoice.
Step 3 - Optional

The "Pre-set Allocation of Charges for Invoices - Change as Required" is an optional facility. These settings can be pre-set at the time of registration to apportion the merchant and processing fees. These pre-set allocation determine the default how the credit card and processing get charged normally by the merchant but the default allocation can be changed by following the number steps can again be accessed by following the three numbered steps shown below.

However, there is also the flexibility to modify the default settings on an invoice by invoice basis. This unique feature is designed to allow the Account Holder the opportunity to apply all these processing fees onto the customer or elect to share all or some of those fees, depending on the type of sale and customer.

Here are two examples, but any variation on these themes can be made.

Example 1:

In this example the customer will be charged 100% of all charges on any valued invoice.

If you press the Charges? link this pop up will appear explaining the details of the current processing charges imposed by the credit card companies and for processing.

Example 2:

In this example the merchant (Seller/Account Holder) has decided that any invoices up to $50 (GST Incl.) in value the merchant will accept 75% of the charges and the customer 25%. However if the invoice value exceeds $50 , then the charges will be split 50/50.

Press Next
Step 4

You now have the option to bypass this screen if in a hurry, by simply pressing NEXT.

Enter customer details - Optional

If you want to record the customer names and details tick the "Show Buyer Details" box and the screen will extend to allow the customer to enter their own details.

Step 5 - Customer Pays

The customer is now given the choice of payment options. There are currently two options: (1) by credit card or (2) by gaining access to online banking. It's your customers’ choice and it’s possible this can be achieved by using your mobile phone to complete the transaction.

Step 6
Once payment has been acknowledged, transaction proceeds will appear on your bank statement, less any fees you have applied to the transaction generally within 2 working days of cleared funds.
As a result of the transaction appearing on your bank statement, all information can then be downloaded. Your accountants, using their very cost-effective software, will save you time and money when completing your compliance accounting, which may include GST, if required.
Making you work easier, not harder!


Allows the creation of a quick B2B (Business to Business) credit sale type transaction when you authorise your customer to pay, after an invoice has been issued.
With EZEinvoice you can now offer payment via customer credit card or direct online banking as a means to receive payment. This removes the risk of non-payment before releasing the goods.
In addition, EZEinvoice completes all of the administration and sends a paid receipt automatically to your customer once they have paid.
EZEinvoice includes the unique feature of enabling an invoice to be sent to either a single person or to multiple people, all with the same value but all with different invoice numbers. Alternatively, you can send that single invoice split over a number of customer/recipients, split on a percentage basis where each recipient is able to see the full value plus their share.
Step 1

There are two ways to access EZEinvoice:

1. Click the EZEinvoice icon (1) below on the Home page
2. Select the APP menu (2) and scroll down to EZEinvoice
Step 2

When opened there are three different types of invoice transactions you can perform in EZEinvoice:

1. New - Is a simple new invoice that can be created on a line by line basis.
2. Duplicate - Is where you want to copy a previous invoice, give it a new date and invoice number and the same goods or service or make some small amendments before sending. (Under development)
3. Existing - This feature allows you to send an invoice for a value of an original invoice that gets attached. This is handy if you wish to make use of the debt collection reminders and to allow the customer to pay by credit card where previously you could not offer your customer that payment option.
Step 3
Follow the sequence of numbers below, adding the required fields indicated by a red asterisk *.
Points to note about Fields 4 and 5. By clicking in Field 4, the code field will take you out to your Item List. Double clicking on an item, will bring it into your invoice.
Alternatively, if you click straight into the Description Field (5) you can type in a description and the system will then allow you to enter a code that does not exist in your Item List.

If you need to alter the GST rate for the likes of rest homes, or add a discount, then click on the small cog showing as number 6 above.
Step 4 - Optional
The "Pre-set Allocation of Charges for Invoices - Change as Required" is an optional facility. These settings can be pre-set at the time of registration to apportion the merchant and processing fees. These pre-set allocation determine the default how the credit card and processing get charged normally by the merchant but the default allocation can be changed by following the number steps can again be accessed by following the three numbered steps shown below.

However, there is also the flexibility to modify the default settings on an invoice by invoice basis. This unique feature is designed to allow the Account Holder the opportunity to apply all these processing fees onto the customer or elect to share all or some of those fees, depending on the type of sale and customer.

Here are two examples, but any variation on these themes can be made.

Example 1:
In this example the customer will be charged 100% of all charges on any valued invoice.

If you press the Charges? link this pop up will appear explaining the details of the current processing charges imposed by the credit card companies and for processing.

Example 2:
In this example the merchant (Seller/Account Holder) has decided that any invoices up to $50 (GST Incl.) in value the merchant will accept 75% of the charges and the customer 25%. However, if the invoice value exceeds $50, then the charges will be split 50/50.

Press Next
Step 5
Finally, it's time to add the recipient details whether it is for a single client or multiple people.
Step 6
The customer will be given a choice of payment options. There are currently two options; pay by credit card or gain access to online banking. It's your customers choice and you can hand them your mobile phone to complete the transaction.
Step 7
Once payment has been acknowledged, transaction proceeds will appear on your bank statement, less any fees you have applied to the transaction.
As a result of the transaction appearing on your bank statement, all information can then be downloaded. Your accountants, using their very cost-effective office software, will save you time and money when completing your compliance accounting, which may include GST, if required.
Making everyone work smarter not harder.


EZEshop is your simple and easy combined B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Consumer) ready-made online e-commerce platform.
Unlike other platforms that can cost a fixed monthly fee of hundreds of dollars a month, plus other charges like website hosting and social media, EZEshop makes life a whole easier without the overheads. How is that possible?
The founders of EZE have learnt from experience that it takes time, effort and sometimes tears to get a business started. They also understand that quite a number of small businesses are seasonal and ongoing costs when there is no income coming in, or life might suddenly be interrupted by a major pestilence.
That being the case, EZE service works on a simple No Sale, No Fee basis.
In other words when a sale is made, a fee is charged to cover the payment of gateway fees, plus a small processing fee which covers data storage and software development.
However, EZEshop allows you the flexibility to either charge these fees to the customer, to yourself, or for them to be shared.
In essence, you can create your own simple drop shipping business, without having to hold any stock. IN other words, you arrange for the manufacturer or supplier to deliver the goods directly to the customer without you having to handle the goods. Let's get started.
There are two ways you can access EZEshop's wizard to help you create your online promotion:
1. Click the EZEpay icon on the Home page or
2. Select the APPS menu and scroll down to EZEshop
This will get you to the process wizard to step you through setting up your online shop to sell or to create a promotion.

Step 1 – Items or Services to sell
At the outset of this getting started guide it explained how to set up items to sell or services to provide. Now is the time to select what you want to specifically sell from that master list. So EZE allows you to pick and choose items from your inventory that you want to include. You include everything, which is called the Master List but, on this occasion, you are wanting to select just a few items, that might be overstocked and you want to offer sale prices on those specific items. Or you might create some opening specials and that might only include a hand full of all your inventory. It is your choice how you want to bundle and promote your business items or services.
Step 2 – Landing Page
Once the items have been added it is time to put your creative skills into action and create your customers’ Landing Page. This is what your customer will view when opening your promotional email. Think about your landing page as if you are going to be the window dressing in a traditional ‘bricks and mortar’ store. You want to make your online display as attractive as you can, to entice customers.
Step 3 – Billing & Shipping
This step gives you three options:
1. Billing only - That simply means the customer will have access to your shopping cart and will pay for the selected items only.
2. Billing & Shipping - This allows the addition of freight extra's as well as normal billing.
3. Billing & Shipping not required - This option would be of use if goods or services are being offered free of charge or are being used to simply promote or provide samples of products prior to them coming into stock. This can also be applied to indent orders i.e. when a customer places quantity orders and then gets invoiced when the goods become available.

This is an example of what can be set up under the freight option

Pre-set Allocation of Charges

There is the flexibility to modify the default settings on a promotion-by-promotion basis. This unique feature is designed to allow the merchant (Account Holder) the opportunity to apply all these processing fees onto the customer or elect to share all or some of those fees, depending on the type of sale and customer.

Here are two examples, but any variation on these themes can be made.

Example 1:

In this example the customer will be charged 100% of all charges on any valued invoice.

If you press the Charges? link this pop up will appear explaining the details of the current processing charges imposed by the credit card companies and for processing.

Example 2:

In this example the merchant (Seller/Account Holder) has decided that any invoices up to $50 (GST Incl.) in value the merchant will accept 75% of the charges and the customer 25%. However if the invoice value exceeds $50, then the charges will be split 50/50.

Press Next

Step 4 - Manage Promotion

This step allows three types of communicating with your customers:

  1. Email Only – this is designed to send a simple email promotion to know customers, where you legitimately have obtained their email address.
  2. Email and Hyperlink - the same as 1 above but in additional when sending the email it will attach a hyperlink to your shopping cart list. That can either be your full product list or a restricted list of items you wanting to promote.
  3. Hyperlink only - this simple generate a hyperlink (link for short) for this promotion that you copy and add to a social media account like Facebook to promote your items but link them back to your shopping cart. Once you have created a hyperlink, this link is then filed into a library and available under the LIST menu as displayed below. You can access and copy that link into any correspondence or other social media account you may sign up for.
Step 5 – Add Attachment (optional)

At this step you have the option to add some attachment to your email. This could be a flyer giving the customer additional information that is not on display in your shopping cart, like an assembly, how to care for your product, printable price list, in fact anything that will help your customers.

Ideally this should be prepared ahead of time so that when you get to this stage you know what you want to add and then simple find it and add it as an attachment.

If you need assistance to create a flyer for your business, do not hesitate to contact

Step 6 – Manage Recipients

The next stage is to select the customers/client/members you want to send your promotion to. Select either your whole Master List of clients, or a special list of people or businesses you want to send the promotion to. To create the exclusive list choose the Create New List button.

As you see in this example from the Master List a separate list of just the cafes in the Taupo region has been created from the Master List. So anytime the owners needs to target just the Taupo cafes they would select this list.

Step 7 – Preview/Edit Client Email

This almost last step and this step gives you the opportunity to review what you have put together before sending to potential customers.

Step 8 – Finish Promotion

All done, time to send your message on its way and reap the rewards of your effort. Here’s to many successful sales for your business and may pay lots of tax as that is a sign of a successful business and it supports our economy.

Stage 8 brings you to the point where you can now send out your promotion.


Please remember that what you have just created can be re-used again and again by simply updating any of the steps to make the necessary changes required for each individual promotion.

Happy Selling.